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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

A6000+Tamron SP 01A, wet automn leaves,

Wet Leaves, Grey Skies

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Winter in the Swiss Jura mountains used to be either very sunny or very snowy, but in the last few years the altitude of the stratus clouds has raised and we are now underneath; or in them.

Today it is still Autumn, and although the first frost came this week, there was a time when it would probably have been a cold but brisk sunny day. Alas we woke up in the fog, like yesterday and probably tomorrow. You may not consider that special but fog was the one weather element we rarely saw here in the past…

A6000+Tamron SP 01A, wet automn leaves, A6000+Tamron SP 01A, wet automn leaves,A6000+Tamron SP 01A, wet automn leaves,A6000+Tamron SP 01A, grey afternoon

The clouds moved higher during the day, my hopes of seeing the sun disappeared. So I went out and walked up behind the city instead.

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