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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

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Vully Blues 4

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Just getting over the last 10 days. As posted Swamp train played at the BAG in Geneva on Nov. 3rd, (see video below) a great place to play but a long trip home. Fortunately I was able to sleep over at my folks place which cuts an hour off the drive; bed time: 2:45 am. Fortunately the Vully Blues Festival where we played on the 5th was closer since with its 4×45 min. sets I for one end up with lead legs and sore all over…

It was a good evening, the festival lasted 2 days this year (instead of one) and although I believe more folks came in all, both evenings were a bit less crowded than last year. A good thing actually since it was so crowded last year that it was nearly impossible to get in and out of the different wine cellars were the bands play. Not to mention make it to the cellar’s bar to check out their wines… One thing that’s great about playing more often (for me at least) is that you still have the feeling of the last crowd when you face the new one. That makes it seem easier to address the crowd and exchange energies, so to speak. After all we really aren’t the kind of band that wants the audience to sit still and listen silently. You want some chatter, all the more if there’s a bar or/and food, folks should be having fun. IMO the best is when people spontaneously start to dance!

There wasn’t much room for dancing in “our” wine cellar, Vully winegrower J.-D. Chervet – who make a nice Pinot Gris BTW. But there certainly was a great atmosphere and the best complement we received AFAIC was the amount of folks who stayed through more than one set. After all they had 6 other blues bands to chose from that evening.

Picture will be added once I receive or find some…
Update to add: No pictures to be found for the moment, if ever I’ll add a new post. In the mean time a newspaper clipping:

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