When Bone Dry Music received a new batch of whole sun-bleached ox rib bones a couple of weeks ago I decided to completely ignored the fact that monetary resources are low and ordered a few, after all good rhythm bones will get you through hard times a lot better than uh, well, many other things I’m sure…
Plus having just finished making a pair of wooden (walnut) bones that are the best yet I was feeling ready to meet the challenge. So with the help of the little How to in 7 easy steps booklet that comes with them I spent a couple of hours Thursday and most of Friday following instructions. I bought two “regular” and two “high end” ribs, a left and right each, theoretically enough to make 3 pairs which they did as you can see in the pictures. I let them dry overnight and buffered them up today, just as well since “wet dog” is probably the best way to describe what they smelled like at first so leaving them in the workshop wasn’t totally unbearable, although… Fortunately today you really need to stick your nose on them to get a whiff of it so all’s well there. Also, in case you wondered, I purposely left the “old bone” texture on the inner face of one of them.
Sound wise I must say that these are already my favorites! Similar in a way to the nautical style bones but with a deeper, more resonant tone and a snap that makes them something really special. Hard to put them down!