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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

Saturday's Wine Drinking Blues

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Saturday we (Crawfish) played what will probably be the only gig we’ve managed to get this fall, which is lame but what can you do when people’s availabilities aren’t what they would need to be to really get things going… :-(
That said, it went ok, everyone seemed happy enough, and I believe that there where even some nice moments. However we are still pretty very uneven in my opinion, jumping from the best to the worst with a tip of the thumb.

Fortunately Blaise had enough friends there that they could simultaneously film a bit of the concert, take pictures and come play harmonica with us on a couple of occasions like the one presented in the following video.

If I remember right, this is part of what felt like a very long moment where I simply could not get the hi-hat to clash. Between my fatigue from already playing three hours the evening before and my nonexistent foot and leg drum playing technique, it just wasn’t happening.
But anyway…

Dave is playing a cheep Chinese resonator guitar that we (I) gutted earlier this spring, made a larger hole for a new cone, remade the bridge, added a pickup and the two sound holes for the heck of it. It sounded so much better after than before that I’m really pretty damned pleased with it!

Categories: , | Tags: crawfish blues band (17), Crawfish News (17), trouble (1), videos (74), vully blues festival (2)  | Permalink

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