About two years ago my life was considerably changed by sheer chance: I was asked to replace the rhythm guitarist in a blues trio for a gig in a local bar. Having not touched my guitar in more years than I care to say and with only had two weeks to get ready it was a crazy idea. But my friends, bless them, were insistent and playing music with other people a life long dream so…
It was a disaster waiting to happen, and truly would of been if I hadn’t spotted an old washboard in a corner of the workshop where we rehearsed.
OK if I try this? I asked… “Sure”.
I really don’t have exceptional rhythmic skills, but at that moment they seemed better than my guitar playing. And anyway my friends weren’t paying much attention to what I was doing, seems it was all just to have fun at my expense!
That dreaded evening they started playing the first song twice as fast as planned, there was simply no way I could follow. Pride does have it’s importance however so instead of melting with embarrassment, I put my guitar down as calmly as my shaking hands were able to, picked up the washboard and put a few thimbles on my fingers.
As I hit the washboard, the thimbles flew off my fingers and on to the floor. Little did I realize that I was already on the road to washboard playing. Who else makes the crowd laugh with delight?
After replacing the thimbles with more care however, I was able to mostly keep them on my fingers and make a lot of noise throughout the evening. The concert was actually a success but most important was that I was hooked!