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It's Complicated...

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I wrote the following 5-6 years ago, stumbled on it this morning, tighten it up a bit and FWIW, stuck it up here…
Updated ’17: classified in poetry. :P

Saturday I spoke with an
interesting artist
whose work is being shown
in a museum.
He said many things.
Some brilliant!
Some not as much.
Some not at all.
But it depends.
It depends:
On the/your environment
On the/your situation
On the moment in time
On your perspective
On your background
On your humor
On your back pains
On your digestive system
On who is in front of you
On who is behind...
So it can be complicated.
Yet a formula appeared...
He said:
“it is always too complicated, we need to simplify it
if we want to face it”
Although those are not his words, they are mine.
They are mine because
I can't remember exactly what
he said.
And if I quote him wrong
It might make him angry.
He was that type of guy.
But when simplified, things are not the same.
So it's complicated...
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