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High Healed Sneakers with Mr. Bones!

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Updated to add:

Well, once again for whatever reasons two of these videos have been removed. :-(
One can only hope that they will become available somehow, somewhere.

Check out this one while it still up!
Nursery Rhyme Blues


I was absolutely thrilled recently to stumble on three videos featuring Mike Baytop, Michael Roach & Richard – Mr. Bones – Thomas filmed in 1995.
Sadly there aren’t that many websites where you can find info on these great musician, so don’t get upset that the Mr Bones link send you to a store where you can find a great IMO CD and take some time to check out the The Inside Story… tab.

As a relatively newcomer in the world of bone playing I’m still discovering bit & pieces of its history within the blues and it seems to me, considering how much I search for and how little I find, that these videos of Mr. Bones are extraordinary documents!

But don’t get me wrong, although it’s a fact that a video with great bone playing would be enough to thrill me, I am also wowed by the trio featured in these. Their music goes straight to my heart and I’ve come back more than once to listen to it again.

Related music to own:

  • Michael Roach: Ain’t Got No Home, Stella Records STCD 001
  • Rick Franklin & Michael Baytop: Searching For Frank, Patuxent CD-156

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