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Help Remove Landmines: Adopt A Rat!

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In Africa, someone steps on a landmine every 20 minutes, often children; in the world 20’000 people a year are injured or killed by them…

I have been aware of a high tech way of finding and removing them being developed not far from where I live: the Digger D-2, so give them a visit if you happen to feel concern, which we all should since nobody should be victims of such human stupidity, even other humans.

The way that some strive to solve the shit others have created is one of the great ironies of mankind and one of its miracles too.

For instance the same horror, because landmines can’t be called anything else, have other heroes: Rats! These are cool little creatures that are just demanding to be symbolically adopted, or sponsored if you will. And they have a fun website to visit too, thanks to Bart and his team!

And since I’m here, can’t forget a link to The Internationale Campaign to Ban Landmines, to get the latest news.

Categories: , | Tags: hero rats (2), Meaningful Labor (7)  | Permalink

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