
washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

Electric Washboard


Piezo mic, volume pot, guitar output jack, a bit of work and presto: electric washboard!

But why? you may ask. Because… why not? For fun? A spark of the old punk spirit? Perhaps. Last fall, friend Blaise gave me a piezo mic that he had soldered via some wire to an output jack. A fun thing to have around since you can stick it on to whatever you what with a piece of tape and see what sounds you can make. And it was to put on my washboard but till now, the nagging question: then what? kept me from doing it. Search “electric washboard” on youtube and you will see what I mean. When it comes down to it, if you’re not into the “guitar solo” trip there doesn’t seem to be that many possibilities for the instrument.

Still, if you don’t try how will you know for sure… And it must be said, it’s pretty cool to have a volume pot on a washboard, plus with tons of distortion… Awesome!

Updated to add: Of course you have to put up with the fact that everything that touches, rubs or hits the washboard is picked up by the mic!

Updated to add: A year later I made another electric washboard


  1. It might be cool to have reverb and a “tape loop” possibility. Washboard meets Robert Fripp.

  2. For sure Mark!
    In fact next week I should be receiving some sort of multieffect box that will have all that as well as distortion and as they say: expression pedal (wah-wah) which is meant to somehow embellish a gig I’m doing with Dave in two weeks here in town. Since neither of us have much experience with this sort of thing it should be fun! …uh-huh… ::)
    To be announced soon…

  3. hi first thanks for your kind review of my instrument…second maybe we could play once Iplay several instruments including banjo
    and i think this electric wasboard must be
    really fun!! are you always up der in dem hills

  4. Hi Steve,

    Sure it would be great to come off the hills and accompany some fast rolling banjo!

    Hope to see you soon,
    Steve (the rattlebrained one)

  5. I found on my washboard, dipping the disc in plasti-dip helps dampen the extra nagging scrapes and unwanted noise. I recently added some soft foam from an old kid’s toy, helped a crap ton too.

    HOWEVER! How in the good gravy do you keep it from feeding back?? I can’t seem to be in the same room as our drummer without the damn piezo picking up his bass and snare and then sending a wall of feedback into my channel.

    Any tips?

  6. OH YA! and in reference to your FX expression pedal? How ya liking it? I’ve fallen madly in love with that addition to my washboard…. hmmmm… We sure are awesome kind of folk.

  7. Hi Mr. Moriarty,

    Feedback IS a problem, all the more since you need to crank up the volume to cover the thimble noise, or whatever you use. No great solutions yet for that, I sometimes just play with my bare fingers to avoid the noise but if your playing alongside a drummer… You’re already using some type of foam, that’s what I would of suggested… Have you posted any sound files or videos? Would love to hear/see them.

    I got a small zoom and it is cool but a bit limited in color and the wah-wah sucks but just last night I was playing with a guitarist and plugged into his box.. Can’t remember the brand, too early but Wow! great stuff!

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