
washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

Beer, Wine & Let The Lights Shine On Me

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Last Friday we – Crawfish – played for a bar that was celebrating it’s first anniversary here in the city. They had closed off the street, put out tables and tents, got the BBQ going, invited some wine folks to present their wine, set up an outdoor bar and stuck a truck in front of it all in which we squeezed along with the DJ equipment.

Since the street was slightly slanted, so was the truck and we were all in a leaning forward position that was funny. My little problem of the evening was keeping my foot from sliding up against the bass drum… But besides a guitar stand falling over the edge the setup went surprisingly well.
We were hired to play two one hour sets, but once again managed to put our three hours in; much to the joy of the group of Blues lovers who had positioned themselves in right in front of the truck stage. Probably the only place we could actually be heard over the noise of the crowd enjoying their food and drinks. Still, if anyone spoke badly of us it didn’t get to the owners ear since he promptly invited us back next year!

There was even an exchange of power as two imbibed young lads attempted a go at each other, quickly to be separated by there respective friends. Something that was possible since whoever thought out the evening had forgot to include spotlights for the band, so by 9pm the area in front of us was lit only by the lights coming from the various booths and tents and we were pretty much playing in the dark….

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