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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

21 May 2024, 14:20
article by Rattlebrained
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About Rattlebrained

rattlebrained In the third person, Rattlebrained could be described as a “someone who is possibly shaking just a bit too many rhythms between his visual art work, the blues and a spontaneous albeit debatable attempt to help pay the bills by joining the overpopulated ranks of on-line t-shirt graphic designers a few years ago…

This last activity has taken over my mind like a B series alien remains at the outermost limits of financial disaster, which was pretty much where the first two activities were stabilized anyway, no biggie, I get by with a little help from my friends…

Art’s humdrum… There isn’t that much about art in this blog, initially I would have hoped for more but writing about art turned out to be extremely time consuming and my daily activities in the studio seem a long monologue that doesn’t repeat well, or something like that. Browsing through the earlier of my musings about art makes me think I made a sage decision in limiting that presence.

Musical washboard and rhythm bones… I thank the gods who in the year 2005 put these fine instruments across my path! It’s been practice, practice, practice since then, but that’s not problem since it’s so much fun! Rhythm puts my somewhat dyslexic brain into a particular and mostly enjoyable place, even if it can be frustrating when your fingers, hands or feet (on the drum set) don’t quite obey you as much as you’d like. I wish I had discovered drumming years ago!

The Blues… I now play with Floyd Beaumont and the Arcadelfians as well as Organic Jug (no website.. )
Past acts have been with Swamp Train, The Crawfish Blues Band & Messin’ Round, two bands that are in limbo these days for various reasons but that hopefully will rise from the cinders one day again… Anyway, speaking of bands, living in a somewhat isolated area when it comes to American Folk and Blues music, it’s neat to be able find videos and songs by bands with washboard and rhythm bone players to learn and be inspired from; these are often posted here.

Hope you enjoyed passing by!