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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

Y'a Pas De Photo!

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La Chaux-de-Fonds I’ve been having problems getting good pictures of my latest art works with my aging Olympus C-8080. It just doesn’t have the definition to get all the variations on white these works have to print a large size image. Since funds are low I was curious as to what quality pictures one of those newer “cheep” and portable cameras boasting over 10 mega pixels would have and so it was convenient (at least to me) that E. had to buy one for her work.

She settled for a Sony DSC-W 180 and I tested it during last Sunday afternoon’s walk. Above is a snapshot of the city where I live. Snapshot because at -7°c I wasn’t about to fiddle with the – too small for gloves – buttons and in the bright sunlight the screen was unreadable anyway. Technology can be such a relative thing…

As you can see it’s really not that bad a camera but, not unexpectedly, it obviously can’t solve any of my problems. Like all but the best digital equipment it just doesn’t have the required sharpness. It’s kind of ironic, don’t you think? Jpg’s and Mp3’s too, sooo convenient but compared to analog on a half decent system and film with half decent lens…

The French (or at least the French speaking Swiss) say: Il n’y a pas de photo! (there is no picture), which means: it’s obvious and is probably a metaphor of the idea that you don’t need a photo finish to see who “won”.

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