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TV Torture

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Has anyone noticed how before 9-11, there was this TV series and movie trend for plots taking place in a sort of post trauma environment? Everyone out in the dark streets, standing around fires burning in big 55 gallon oil drums, shabby overcoats, gloves with cut off fingers, everything black, dark and grey…. Torn apart factories in the background. The hero a half machine of some sort or a mutant escapee of a secrete military experiment… Like Hollywood was preparing us for a big hecatomb of a future, only the strongest will survive, that type of shit.

And how all that is now being replaced by these super hero patriot cop/agents who will torture if needed to get the info; at least those who don’t have super psychic powers… Like if the producers were doing there best to get us to think this is normal.

Well it isn’t!

Human Rights First has listed the news coverage on this. So do your future a favor and take action.

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