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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

The Man Is Back!

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Dave came back from his Kiwi escapade last week so I dragged him jet lag and all to the Babylone Bar‘s Thursday evening open stage where we joined up with Blaise and warmed up our chops for a grand audience of 3 or 4 poor souls who had nothing better do do on such a dreary wet night. at the Babylone Bar

It was great all the same, a perfect way to get together after his near half year absence!

Now the tough part begins, finding gigs! Fortunately thanks to Blaise we aren’t completely dry since we have a private date with Crawfish in three weeks as well as a concert at the Vully Blues Festival on November 8th.

Messin’ Round also got together for a couple of hours of playing yesterday afternoon and I must say that the continuous practicing this spring and summer has really paid off. On both occasions I really felt part of the music instead of struggling along beside it. A truly inspiring feeling!

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