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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

Saturday Snow, Sunday's Stroll

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March Snow Just as it looked like the Spring was getting closer wouldn’t you know that the temperature would drop again, flirt with the -6° to -12°C (21° to 10°F), encouraging all the show that fell on Saturday to stay put and freeze up the town some more instead of politely melting away like I wish it would.
Sunday woke with the sun but not of the let’s melt all that snow kind, more like the: “…sun is shinning, don’t forget your sunglasses it’s really bright out, hey it’s freezing! Where did you put my gloves?” kind. Brrrr!
E. said: you go out and freeze if you want too, I have work to do!

Looking north along the Jura The funny thing with photographs, even low quality cellphone shots like these is that they link you with the past, a day somewhere sometime. A successful picture carries enough information with it to tell you its story, however most don’t so the viewer needs to fill in the blanks. No problem when it’s family, friends, landscapes or other subject matters you know well or are interested in. Otherwise the picture can lose some, or all, of its potential to involve you.

Like these two pictures from my Sunday afternoon walk, where’s the icy wind, the sensation of deep freeze, the little sparkles of snow dust in the air…

Pretty though.

Categories: , | Tags: Jura mountains (1), pictures (36), snow (3)  | Permalink

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