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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

End Of The Winter, Perhaps?

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Unfortunately I should have gone out to take pictures last Friday since not only a lot of the snow has been removed now, but the temperature went up, it rained a bit and a lot of it melted. But you can still see how much snow is left and it will let you imagine what it was like. Last Thursday driving into town through the last big snow fall at 23h00 I could barely get pass the cars coming in the opposite direction on one street, and yet it normally was two lanes wide plus parking spaces. The snow towered 6 to 8 feet on each side of it.
La Chaux-de-Fonds 3-11-09
Fortunately most streets here are one way so most of the time the city gets away with just clearing out one lane. As you can see it’s turning into a sea of slush. This already happened in January after which the temperatures dropped, everything froze and new snow covered it all. And it was only after a few day of sun at the end of February that I was able to get rid of the ice on the ground in front of my studio. It was 4 to 8 inches thick and I would scrape off the top layer at the beginning, and then the end, of the afternoon. La Chaux-de-Fonds 3-11-09
The top photo shows the street behind the building in which I live, one of the farther ones on the picture’s right side and the other two are also from nearby. The third gives a glimpse of the city’s downtown. It only took a few minutes of walking for the wet to begin to seep into my shoes so my original idea of finding nice photogenic snow covered cityscapes fell through. These shots taken, I went to the bakery for some bread and home I came.
La Chaux-de-Fonds 3-11-09

BTW: the snow end’s up piled up in a specific spot just outside of town. Under normal winter conditions this gives us a miniature glacier of sorts that is usually big enough to last until August.

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