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Concerts And Mayonnaise Sauces

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My, my, already December 23rd, where does time fly?

On Thursday we played a private gig for an xmas party and since it was private I will only comment on a favorite swiss meal whose name will go unpublished until I remember it. Basically you pile up a mixture of raw meat on your plate: pork, chicken, turkey, beef, lamb… anything goes. These are cooked on a heated slab of Teflon placed in the center of the table, you know, one of those thingies for melting cheese.

You do have rice and salads, but mainly you have sauces: mayonnaise with curry powder, mayonnaise with garlic, mayonnaise with paprika and provincial herbs, mayonnaise and… etc, etc…

These go wherever and however you want and I must admit that this is one of the rare meals that grosses me out. Having raw pork juices mix with my salad is just a bit too much for me. Can’t the rare meat be kept on a separated plate? And the sauces are mostly deadly, no comment on the state of my innards the next day….

Then last night we opened an evening of xmas rock down in Neuchâtel and I think we were all looking forward for this one even if the band is really more comfortable in smaller settings. I personally don’t care all that much for the canned sounds blasting at me through the sound system and have decided that since there is no hope that it be smoothing on the ears you simply have to satisfy yourself with hearing enough of everyone. It would be nice!

We only had a short 45 min set to play and since it usually takes that amount of time to warm up I had suggested to Dave that we play for a halve hour before going on stage. He though that a good idea but after the sound check we had left all our instruments on the stage so it didn’t seem like it was going to happen. However when the time came Dave got us all together for a little warm up bonding. How we ended up in front of the basement’s toilets for this is unclear, and how our clapping to Dave’s singing turned into us imitating our respective instruments is even more mysterious, but we certainly arrived onstage in high spirits!

Hopefully I’ll receive some pictures and videos to post.

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