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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

Bot Bones!

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Bot Bones Scott Miller, who is the guy behind one of my favorite stores on the web Bone Dry Music contacted me last fall about a new kind of rhythm bones he was developing and would I be interested in creating a logo? Would love too! was my answer of course as I began to work on his idea: a robot hand playing metal bones.
You can read the whole story of how Bot Bones came to be on the store’s Bot Bones information page; they are metal rhythm bones currently made from aluminum (with copper, brass and stainless steel still in the works).

I’ve had a pair of medium (1”×6 1/2”) aluminum Bot Bones for two weeks now and I really, really like them. As an intermediate bones player I’d place them among the “easier” bones to play that I’ve tried (which BTW, is not all that many). They have a nice weight and feel and are very responsive, I was also surprised by their sound which was not at all the thin metallic ring I had imagined, in fact they produce a thick chunk that is quite satisfying.

What more to say… sitting here trying out all my bones in an attempt to find words that would make this a pertinent description but have to admit that it’s beyond my abilities….
I am only just beginning to figure out how one changes the tone the bones make while playing so it’s hard for me to compare but the variety of tones the aluminum can make seems pretty impressive. I’d love to hear some in the hands of a skilled player!

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