Yesterday’s event went well but for the moment I don’t have any pictures to show and I’m sure it’s hard to imagine especially since my writing lacks the necessary skills for descriptions.
The weather was better than predicted since we expected rain and it was just a bit overcast, however a strong north wind was blowing and it was near zero degrees so most of our drumming probably ended up blown down the street. One of our worries was that the garbage trucks would make so much noise that all of ours would be covered, a needless worry, I could hardly hear any of the trucks. Retrospectively I’m grateful that I was downwind from the other drummers.
The audience was a mixture of multi-cantonal trash disposal crews, their bosses and a bunch of local politicians. They were all watching from inside a huge greenhouse so we didn’t have much eye contact, however it seems that they enjoyed it all enough to clap now and then. We could hear because there where microphones and speakers on both sides of the glass wall.
Cubes with letters on 3 sides and a question mark on the fourth came in one by one on the different garbage trucks (each commune had bought it’s own and they were all different models), this permitted the actors to develop little plot.
First the cubes presented the wrong name, than ????? followed by the word: GREVE (strike), that got a lot of cheers. The correct name VADEC was then presented after we agreed to get back to work, all of 1 minute later… At which point we broke out into a wild samba. Party time!
24 March 2008, 13:53
Hello Steve,
Je lis ton article avec la traduction automatique de Google et ça donne une vision de science fiction sur la scène décrite. Je me réjouis de voir les photos pour certainement constater que mon immagination était complètement à côté de la réalité.
25 March 2008, 10:27
Salut Blaise,
Je connais, des fois je dois lire des page en allemand…. C’est drole mais pas toujours utile. J’espère que j’aurais bientôt des photos.