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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

6 February 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Shave Yo' Legs - Swamp Train - Keb Mo cover

From last week’s gig.
It’s not easy to comment on ones own bones work but I was happily surprised with this video because while playing I felt that I was really screwing up the song with all the mistakes I was making, but in the end there are only two or three that are glaringly obvious (to me at least).

The website of Keb' Mo'

13 January 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Taking Tap Into The 21st Century

Tuesday I went to the ABC, the cultural center here in La Chaux-de-Fonds, to see a performance by musician - dancer - composer - performer Steve Buchanan, who has created a “mini-interactive percussive/dance system”: the 2nd LINE

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7 January 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Floyd Lee

It’s been a while since I’ve made it to New York so stumbling on a Floyd Lee video made me a bit nostalgic since listening to him play in the subway is one of the better things a visitor like myself can do in the big apple. (It sure beats doing the gallery scene!)
The last time I saw him I picked up his 2003 “Mad As Hell In Crappy Blues” CD which is a fun album

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9 November 2010
article by Rattlebrained
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Swamp Train @ The Vully Blues Festival 2010

Last Saturday Swamp Train played at the Vully Blues Festival, our first “serious” gig, starting at 19h00, 4 sets, over three hours of playing. The above video of use playing Willie Dixon’s “Spoonful” is from the beginning of the first set and if the crowd seems a tad scarce it’s because folks were still arriving, by the second the place was packed.

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