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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

5 January 2010
article by Rattlebrained
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Y'a Pas De Photo!

I’ve been having problems getting good pictures of my latest art works with my aging Olympus C-8080. It just doesn’t have the definition to get all the variations on white these works have to print a large size image. Since funds are low I was curious as to what quality pictures one of those newer “cheep” and portable cameras boasting over 10 mega pixels would have and so it was convenient (to me) that E. had to buy one for her work…

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13 November 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Pictures From The BAG

Thanks to Christophe Losberger we have some great pictures from last night’s Crawfish Blues Band concert!

11 March 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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End Of The Winter, Perhaps?

Unfortunately I should have gone out to take pictures last Friday since not only a lot of the snow has been removed this week but the temperature went up, it rained a bit and a lot of it melted. But you can still see how much snow is left and it will let you imagine what it was like. Last Thursday driving into town through the last big snow fall at 23h00 I could barely get pass the cars coming in the opposite direction on one street, and yet it normally was two lanes wide plus parking spaces. The snow towered 6 to 8 feet on each side of it…

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24 June 2007
article by Rattlebrained
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Primped or "au naturel"?

We played last night for the private party of an aerodrome club in nearby France. It was fun even if I still drag along a feeling of not playing well enough for the rest of the band. Uselessly stressful and probably somewhat the cause of my not playing as well as I can in a relaxed setting. Something to work on in any case.

Since I would like to do some street playing with Dave…

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16 June 2007
article by Rattlebrained
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Bumblebees and Butterflies

Yesterday I went for a nice long walk to get over my fatigue from Friday night’s fun. Much of it was spent chasing bumble bees and butterflies with my camera, a somewhat Zen activity which I find to be relaxing. Zen because with digital technology, you can focus and follow the insect with the little screen which means that you have both your viewpoint and the camera’s. This gives a feeling of being very much in touch with it, which is one of those odd things…

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7 March 2007
article by Rattlebrained
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The Organic Blues Unit

While I was checking to see if my old laptop was up and ready to travel, I stumbled on this picture that someone sent me from the concert we did at the Petit Paris last December.

Dave is on the left, Bill on the right and yours truly struggling away on rhythm guitar. From the looks of it, we are in the middle of Hesitation Blues.