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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

27 August 2007
article by Rattlebrained
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Rambling On My Mind

Well here it is, the first Messin’ Round video! I was a bit burnt out last night and IMHO my washboard playing lacked many things, but you have to start somewhere…In any case it was a lot of fun!

Tonight Dave and I play again at the Auberge du Pont du Diable, just the two of us since unfortunately neither Bill or Denis are available. Should be brilliant. Come and join us if you’re anywhere near; good French cuisine too!

7 March 2007
article by Rattlebrained
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The Organic Blues Unit

While I was checking to see if my old laptop was up and ready to travel, I stumbled on this picture that someone sent me from the concert we did at the Petit Paris last December.

Dave is on the left, Bill on the right and yours truly struggling away on rhythm guitar. From the looks of it, we are in the middle of Hesitation Blues.

15 December 2006
article by Rattlebrained
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Blues for the X Mess

If you happen to be in the Swiss watch making city of La Chaux-de-Fond next week, beware because Messin’ Round will be playing at the P’tit Paris for the special Oyster Night event!