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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

A comic about yesterday's weather

10 February 2016
article by Rattlebrained
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Yesterday's Weather

Yesterday while walking home a flash of lightning and the growling of thunder commenced the festivities: hail, rain and then snow. Not a normal chain of events for February..

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Set up 'n jam teaser

29 January 2016
article by Rattlebrained
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Set Up 'N Jam

Getting more ambitious and it’s fun to be drawing again; needs a story now…

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A comic of sorts about not paying attention

14 January 2016
article by Rattlebrained
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Keep On Comicing On

So I’ve drawn 5 or 6 of these and because I have – I admit – a history of making art, I began wondering what would be the best paper for my pen, and – sigh – was my pen really the best pen to use and that sort of thing…
So I tried a few different pens and some other paper.

And since they are not funny, should I post them all here?

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in the kitchen

6 January 2016
article by Rattlebrained
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Um, Hope You Enjoy..

In any case and even if it is not the best pen to draw with, it kept nagging at me, so earlier this week I decided the best was not to worry; make a few rectangles and draw anything – directly with the pen – and then who knows…

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Le fanfare du Loup @ Le Jazz festival d'Auvernier

30 August 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Art, Jazz & The Blues

August has passed in a flash as it will when you’re having fun ;-)…

First I spent a couple of weeks helping friend Bill prepare some of his cool home made instruments for his first art show! This event will take place in Fribourg at the Atelier-Galerie J.-J. Hofstetter on September 9th at 8pm. He has programed a series of concerts with them (the instruments) and various other musicians so check out the schedule if you happen to be near by.

Bill, as it has already been mentioned here and there in this blog, also plays with the Fanfare du Loup Orchestra

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30 June 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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1st Swamp Train Recording Session

Wouldn’t you know that the weather would go from mild to hot on the day we (Swamp Train) began 3 days of recordings for our first album. Still, I guess it’s fortunate that around here heatwaves are usually pretty dry, even if the temperature on the studio’s dinky little wood thermometer hit 36.5°C / 97.7°F, it was possible to grin and bear it; although it obviously helped the occasional flame of temper that can occur when 4 guys are stuck in a closed over hot and unventilated environment for two long.
None of them very serious, thankfully. I’m sure having managed to get 4-5 tracks on tape hardisk by Monday evening helped keep our spirits tame.

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