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washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

3 May 2010
article by Rattlebrained
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Friday Evening At The Red Turtle

Next Friday Dave & I will be playing at the Red Turtle Club here in town. It’s a bar that recently reopened and that actually has a real stage, not very deep but quite wide, that has already seen a good amount of musicians in the first three/four months the place has been opened. We stopped by a couple of days ago to confirm the gig, I had sent a picture for the flyer but had not heard from the organizer.

I asked about the bar’s name since “Turtle” is pretty hard for french speakers to pronounce and was wondering if there was a story behind it and sure enough…

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24 February 2010
article by Rattlebrained

Dave in New Zealand (Again)

If you happen to be in Auckland why not check out our favorite Crawfish Blues Band band leader who will be giving a few concerts here and there. Two are mentioned in this flier and there are more to come.

Meanwhile while the cat travels the mice play…

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29 January 2010
article by Rattlebrained
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Crawfish Blues @ The Blues Club Fribourg

CBB flier for the blues club fribourg Gosh, darn! Forgot to post this flier for our next concert which is already tomorrow!

Since Dave is off to New Zealand again it might be the last gig for a while, come one, come all!

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28 January 2010
article by Rattlebrained
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Blues for Haiti @ the Café Omega

Blues for Haiti Last Thursday I had hoped to go down to Geneva and jam at the BAG but circumstances decided otherwise and I ended up at the Café Omega over in the small village of Cortébert with Blaise for a jamming evening of Blues to raise funds for Haiti.

One thing you get living in small villages and towns up here in the Jura Mountains is a certain feeling of emptiness which on a dark frozen snow covered winter night can make the rest of the world seem a figment of the imagination. So it’s always a special thing to leave the void of the outside, the secret filled black windowed houses lit by two or three streetlights that painfully cast their feeble luminosity through the misty air, and enter the overheated and people packed room of an open café…

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4 December 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Compliments To The Chef!

Last nights concert at the Hotel-Restaurant Mont-Vully turned out to be a lot of fun which was nice considering that when we got there the place was empty and no one had even reserved!

It must be said that it was one of those cold dark wet and dreary evenings that is more inclined to make you stay home, feet up on the chair in front of you, watching anything with movement on the TV while sipping at a glass of single malt; no ice please…

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13 November 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Pictures From The BAG

Thanks to Christophe Losberger we have some great pictures from last night’s Crawfish Blues Band concert!

21 October 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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2nd Vully Blues Festival

Two concerts to announce:

On October 1st we play at the Hotel-Restaurant Mont-Vully (Route du Mont 50, 1789 Lugnorre) for the third time. The concert starts at more or less 19h30 and their food so far has been quite nice. Two reasons to come!

Then on November 7th you can find us at the 2nd Vully Blues Festival that takes place in Praz, Fribourg. The fesitval starts at 19h00 pm, we play three 1 hour sets at 19h45 – 21h00 & 23h00

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